Meet our specialist fundraiser Vicky

“The job is extremely varied, and this is why I love it!”

In April we welcomed Vicky Fisher to the team as a specialist fundraiser.

The 43-year-old who lives close to our headquarters in Eaglescliffe works with the corporate sector and major donors to see how they can support GNAAS and help make a positive difference in people’s lives.

We caught up with her to find out more about her role and her previous career before joining GNAAS.

Could you please explain what jobs you had prior to GNAAS?

For the majority of my career I have worked within the marketing and advertising industry. I then changed paths and worked for a small local charity as Fundraising Manager and found a passion for working within the charity industry, hence why I applied to work for GNAAS.

How did it feel when you were told you got the job at GNAAS?

Amazing! GNAAS is a fantastic charity that does such vital work. To be able to have a role that helps make a difference is extremely rewarding.

Could you talk me through a typical day in your role?

No day is ever the same in this role. For example, one day I could be delivering a presentation to one of our corporate supporters, raising awareness of the work we do to staff members and chatting through ideas on how we can work together.

Another I may be at a busy networking meeting making new connections and speaking to new people about GNAAS.

Other days I could be helping out at events (GNAAS events and supporters’ own events) – beer festivals, family fun days, office tea parties, charity balls, golf days to mention just a few…. The job is extremely varied, and this is why I love it!

Have there been any highlights or stand-out moments during your time at GNAAS?

Meeting with some of the patients we have helped and who may have not been here today without the help of our team at GNAAS is always extremely emotive. This stands out most of all because it is a reminder of why we do what we do and how everyone working together makes a huge difference – together we really do save lives.

What do you like to do outside of work?

My job is very social and keeps me so busy. So outside of work I love to enjoy quality time with my family, friends and my cockapoo George. The beach is our favourite place.

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